Do I Get A Grade at Course Completion?

ACC’s Project Management Program courses normally result in student performance ratings of Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory (a.k.a. "Pass/Fail"). But instructors can provide you with a letter grade (A, B, C, D, etc.) if requested at the beginning of the course.

Successful course completion (per each course syllabus) earns a Certificate of Completion from ACC. For an online proof of completion, students can login to ACC Online Services and select “Current Students” where they can select Unofficial Transcript.  Official Transcripts can be ordered from the college through the Admissions Transcripts web site.

For professional certifications (e.g. PMI®, CompTIA®, ITIL®, etc.), you have to qualify for and pass the exams of the certifying organization to receive that organization’s certifying credential (PMP®, CAPM®, etc.)  These professional exams are usually administered at a commercial testing center (e.g. ProMetric®) by invited appointment. 

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